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Article: Manny Ortiz Demonstration and Review of Our V-Flat (Video)

Manny Ortiz Demonstration and Review of Our V-Flat (Video)

We are honored and excited to share that acclaimed photographer Manny Ortiz has reviewed our product, the V-Flat, in his latest video. His professional insights and practical demonstrations offer a comprehensive look at the V-Flat's capabilities and benefits. Watch the video for his full V-Flat review!

Convenience and Portability

Manny begins by highlighting the significant convenience and portability of our V-Flat. He explains the difficulties he faced trying to make his own V-Flat, from sourcing materials to transporting large foam boards. Manny appreciates that our V-Flat solves these issues: "I have a basic Honda Accord and I can fit a V-Flat in my back seat with a child seat." This feature makes it practical for photographers who need to move between studios or shoot on location.

Durability and Versatility

Durability is a standout feature in Manny's review. He notes that unlike other V-Flats that become flimsy over time, ours are "really sturdy" and "built with thick boards," ensuring longevity. Manny's confidence in the product's durability is clear: "I think that they're gonna have pretty good longevity."

Manny also demonstrates the V-Flat's versatility. The black side is ideal for controlling light in a studio with white walls, preventing unwanted light from bouncing around. He explains, "The black side will cut the light from bouncing around, and you basically just have more control over the light that's falling onto your model." On the other hand, the white side effectively bounces light back onto the subject, filling in shadows and enhancing the lighting setup without additional equipment.

V-Flat Review: Practical Uses

Manny showcases several practical applications of the V-Flat. He uses it as a light modifier, a backdrop, and a tool to flag ambient light. His demonstrations include using the V-Flat to bounce light and create soft, even lighting, as well as flagging ambient light to control the shooting environment. These examples underline the V-Flat's multifunctionality and essential role in a photographer's toolkit.

In summary, this V-Flat review provides a professional analysis and practical demonstrations that highlight the V-Flat's convenience, durability, and versatility. Thanks, Manny, we appreciate it!

Foldable V-Flats in Video


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